
认识到创伤, 儿童发展, 结果是密不可分的, 从法官的角度看这是什么意思? 请看下面的十个实用工具.

佛罗里达州法规, 司法正典, 佛罗里达州最高法院意见书, and federal regulations that authorize application of the ten tools below.PDF下载

"I am astounded every day at how effective this trauma-informed approach is. I can assure you this creates a very different courtroom and courthouse atmosphere than I had 20 years ago. 满足感和转变是巨大的." - 退休巡回法官林恩·泰珀,佛罗里达州第六巡回法院法官. 1989年1月起担任巡回法官,1985-1988年担任县法官.  


1. 理解创伤和儿童发展.

Read the research, attend trainings, and talk with local trauma and 儿童发展 experts.

的 links below provide milestones, red flags, and common traumatic stress reactions.


2014年9月美国律师协会创伤版 儿童法律实务PDF下载.

佛罗里达州早期学习联盟目录. 的se coalitions can provide link年龄 to local 儿童发展 experts.

Web-based trainings at the Learning Center for Child and Adolescent Trauma,由国家儿童创伤压力网络主办.

Tip sheet from the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges, entitled Infant-Toddler Court Program: Tip Sheet for Trauma-Responsive Courts"

2. 推测创伤.

First and foremost, presume that every family in court has been impacted by trauma in some way. Consider that many parents have experienced numerous adverse childhood experiences, 不只是法庭上的孩子和青少年. Similar to the universal precautions that emerged in response to HIV/AIDS whereby everyone was assumed to have the disease when blood exposure was a factor, a universal precautions approach to trauma assumes that people appearing in courts have experienced adversity in some manner. (NCJFCJ, 《今日少年与家庭司法, 夏季2013)这意味着有一个安全的, 安全, and calm court environment – one that attempts to limit heightened agitation, 唤醒, 和压力. 进一步, 意思是所有出现在法庭上的人, 以及所有在法院工作的人, 受到尊重和尊严的对待.

学习“什么伤害”和“什么帮助”PDF下载 related to judicial communication, courthouse environment, and self-awareness.


3. 协调所有涉及同一家庭的案件.

的re are many important reasons why a circuit should coordinate related family court cases. For families who have experienced multiple traumatic events and chronic stress, 必须协调他们的案件. 具体地说, 对于这些家庭, 他们的案件应由一名法官协调和审理, 使用一个家庭/一个法官模型. Just as trauma from adverse childhood experiences most often occurs within intimate relationships, 治愈也发生在人际关系中. A family’s trajectory can be significantly impacted through relationships. 的 one family/one judge model can lessen the time for the family and court partners to develop trust, and can lessen the amount of times the family may have to recite painful memories and events. It also lessens the likelihood of additional trauma caused by preventing conflicting orders and conflicting service interventions.


Examples of circuit administrative orders related to coordinating casesPDF下载.

4. 设定对创伤和儿童发展信息的期望.

要求律师提供儿童发展和创伤信息, 诉讼监护人, 青少年感化官, 儿童保护调查员, 儿童福利个案经理, 家庭暴力倡导者, 育儿协调员, 以及出现在法庭上的治疗提供者.


的 National Child Traumatic Stress Network has produced a trauma bench card for judgesPDF下载.

的 card offers a series of questions to help gather information necessary to make good decisions for children at risk of traumatic stress disorders. It also contains a sample addendum designed to be copied or scanned and attached to orders for behavioral health assessments.

5. 用创伤镜阅读案件档案.

When reviewing the file, circle developmental red flags and trauma events.



6. 订单筛选,评估和治疗.

当表示, order screening for trauma exposure and related symptoms and require the use of evidence-based screening tools. Order an evidence-based and culturally appropriate assessment when the screening recommends it, 当评估显示需要时进行循证治疗.



7. 追究所有责任.

让不良少年对完成创伤治疗负责. Hold the child welfare investigator accountable for gathering information about the parents’ and children’s trauma histories. 让案例管理者对寻求证据负责, 为家庭提供创伤知情治疗. 让治疗师对使用循证治疗负责. Hold the divorcing couple accountable for respecting the trauma experienced by the children during transitions. Hold the batterer accountable for understanding the trauma experienced by children living in violent homes. Hold the bailiff accountable for maintaining an orderly courtroom and exhibiting calm behavior. Hold the attorneys accountable for considering the parents’ schedules when setting the next court date.

他们在澳大利亚干什么? 资源 from the Australian Association for Infant Mental Health, Inc. 受COVID-19影响的从业人员和家庭.

他们在离家近的地方干什么?PDF下载 A guide prepared by a subcommittee of the Family Law Advisory Group in the 8th circuit, for making parenting time decisions while considering 儿童发展.

的 Florida Supreme Court approved supervised/安全ty-focused parenting plan formPDF下载. This parenting plan template provides guidance for establishing a plan to protect the children when families are experiencing domestic violence, 药物滥用, 或者其他创伤.

8. 做一个召集人.

Bring community partners together to address trauma and advocate for evidence-based treatment. Issues related to trauma are complex and require that representatives from multiple systems work together. 法官有影响力和权威, 并且能够将人们召集在一起,促进合作.


“重新定义司法领导”PDF下载 来自全国少年和家庭法庭法官委员会.

9. 监控数据.

审查和分析数据. 从数据中学习. 根据你的调查结果调整法庭惯例. 与其他法官分享有前途的做法.

FDCIS适用于法官、地方法官和法院工作人员. FDCIS is a web-based case management system that provides the judiciary with resources to ensure timeliness of court events, with a goal of achieving positive outcomes for Florida’s abused and neglected children. 法官, 法官, court staff only: To request access to the Florida Dependency Court Information System or receive additional information, 请联系: fdcis_support@ifaexports.com.


10. 照顾好自己.

Learn about vicarious trauma, secondary trauma, compassion fatigue, and burnout. 了解警告信号, 监督自己, 盘点一下工作和个人生活之间的平衡. 要明白,受到工作类型的影响是正常的.

综合自我护理工具包PDF下载 from the Office of Court Improvement, Florida Office of the State Courts Administrator
Thoughts and strategies for mindfulness expressed to judges from judgesPDF下载
