Dissolution of Marriage

Do I Need a Lawyer?Family Law Forms

The Petition for Dissolution 其他诉讼代理人的表格可在 Florida State Courts System's Self-Help Center page.

Do It Yourself Florida

DIY佛罗里达通过回答有关您的情况的简单具体问题,帮助您创建法律文件. 然后,这些法律文件可以通过电子门户网站以电子方式存档,也可以在当地法院书记办公室手工存档,以启动新的法庭案件或对现有法庭案件作出回应.

Family Court Tool Kits - 这些工具包包含了佛罗里达州家事法庭的基本信息. It includes: a timeline of significant family court events; a listing of case types that comprise Florida’s family court; guiding principles; descriptions of the ten core components; information about the one family/ one judge model and noted benefits of the model; filings trends; process maps for dependency, delinquency, dissolution of marriage, and domestic violence injunction cases; and links to additional resources.

Collaborative Divorce

合作离婚是夫妻私下离婚的一种方式. 夫妻双方都聘请了一位在合作过程中受过培训的律师来帮助他们达成协议. 中立的财务专业人员和心理健康专业人员也可以与配偶合作,帮助他们达成协议. Agreements can be reached in 3 to 9 months. After a final agreement is signed, 律师们在维护家庭隐私的同时,提交必要的文件,以获得法院的离婚批准.

Collaborative Divorce offers:

  1. Privacy: What's talked about during this process stays private; unlike filing for divorce before reaching agreement, 公众不能看到你的家庭和财务细节.
  2. 控制:团队将根据配偶和孩子双方的需求帮助你达成协议.
  3. 速度快,成本低:合作离婚通常比诉诸法庭更快,花费更少.
  4. 规划你的未来:合作离婚为有效的共同抚养提供了工具,减少了未来的诉讼.

Choosing a Divorce Process

在开始离婚前,你有权选择最适合你的程序. If you consult a lawyer, 你应该让律师解释不同的程序可以用来获得你的离婚. 以下是可用的三个可能的选择.

This chart is not meant to be legal advice.

Do I Need a Lawyer?Each spouse is represented by a lawyer.你可以聘请律师,也可以为自己辩护.你可以聘请律师,也可以为自己辩护.
What Is My Lawyer’s Role?在整个过程中,律师会与你和你的配偶一起寻找解决方案.如果你聘请律师,你的律师会给你法律建议,并可能参加调解.如果你聘请律师,律师将代表你的利益,因为你和你的律师同意.
How Do I Participate?在协作团队的协助下,直接与您的配偶沟通.中立调解员将帮助你和你的配偶直接沟通(如果你有律师,也可以通过律师)。.Through your lawyer, if a lawyer is hired; otherwise you manage your case.
How Much Court Involvement?除了批准你的协议,不用上法庭.除了批准你的协议,很少或根本不上法庭.Usually the highest level of court involvement.
Who’s In Charge?你和你的配偶负责,在协作团队的帮助下做出自己的决定.你和你的配偶是负责任的,并通过调解员(和律师)的帮助做出自己的决定Judge is in charge and makes final decisions.
What Will It Cost?Usually less expensive than litigation.Usually less expensive than litigation.Unpredictable and can increase rapidly.
How Long Will It Take?You and your spouse create the timetable with team members; usually three to nine months.你和你的配偶(或律师)与调解人一起制定时间表.Judge sets timetable; could take more than one year.
How Much Privacy Will I Have?The process is private and confidential.调解过程是私密和保密的. Your court file is open to the public, 财务和其他个人信息必须提交给法院.你的案子和法庭档案对公众开放. 财务和其他个人信息必须提交给法院.
How is Conflict Handled?Collaborative侧重于一系列会议上的合作. 整个过程是自愿和尊重的.取决于律师(如果涉及律师)和配偶. The mediator guides the conversation.The judge determines the outcome.
Who Is On My Team?Each spouse has a lawyer; additional neutral professionals are usually recommended.Lawyers and professional experts are optional.Lawyers and professional experts are optional.


Choosing a Divorce Process (Printable PDF)PDF Download



The FACP is Florida’s statewide organization of lawyers, financial, 以及心理健康专家,他们的使命是指导家庭使用合作离婚程序和平离婚. 合作离婚是一种私人离婚, 尊重的过程用于解决离婚和满足经济, emotional, social and other needs of divorcing families.

Last Modified: April 16, 2024